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​In the dirt means work.  You have to have a work ethic to succeed. Competition builds better people. Hold your Finish on balance and evaluate the results.


Letter Lesson N, for End the Hogan Finish stands for balance in the golf swing and Integrity in your life. Mr. Hogan said that, "The Secret" was IN the dirt.


Such it is with your integrity. You have to work on it every day. Keep in mind, as in your golf swing, where you are going and what is the result that you desire.


George Knudson, a famous Canadian golf professional, used to travel for hours just to sit and watch Mr. Hogan hit golf balls on a driving range. He tried his best to revamp his golf swing to that of Mr. Hogan's.


Mr. Hogan complimented him on his golf swing and that it was on of the better ones on the golf tour.


Mr.Knudson's ideas on the golf swing were simple. He had a starting position and a ending position. He wanted the swing to be a connected dots concept that would lead you to the beautiful Hogan finish. We should do likewise!

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